i loved this reflection - thank you for sharing it! reminds me of another newsletter i read this week about silence and the concept of "ma" - silence as generative space, as balance, as a bridge. <3

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"silence as a bridge" — love that. which newsletter? I'm curious to read!

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Resonate with this deeply. I spent many of the winter months away, quiet, searching. Spring seems to be awakening many of us from slumber 🌸

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It's true. Feels like I got quiet enough to finally hear the whispers of what comes next. ✨🌱

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Ugh, that is so beautiful. Pause, ma, as door + sun, I can just imagine the light streaming in!

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I love that visual too ✨

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Finally catching up and needed to read all of this, Hannah. I’ve been working full time, trying to finish my dissertation, and making art (as a part of the diss!). The most fruitful and generative moments are when I allow myself the silence and give myself the opportunity to recuperate. Also, my academic research is on voice...and silence is absolutely needed in order to really, truly listen. I love your daughter’s wisdom. Many thanks and also, LOVE The Rebis and you can create and publish it whenever you like, never a rush on something great. It allows more time for me to spend with all the words and art. Thank you for always sharing your wisdom and reflections. ♥️

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Thank you for sharing, Dorothy, and for your support ♥️ it means the world to me. Your dissertation sounds fascinating — what program are you in? I have been thinking about voice a lot lately, as I've been writing more poetry and trying to get closer to what feels like my authentic voice.

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I’m finishing up my PhD in Film & Digital Media (with a designated emphasis in Computational Media) at UC Santa Cruz. My research is on voice recognition, speech and assistive tech. I study how human voices have been trained (specifically telephone operators and 911 dispatchers) and how speech is then codified for artificial intelligence/machine learning. It’s been an intense journey for sure. My artwork in the past couple of years has definitely been about voice and speech so lots of poetry and experimental prose.

But also, it’s interesting that you say “authentic voice” because our voices always changing and evolving? I wonder what this means for you and how you capture or document the change(s)?

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Your program and area of study are so intriguing! And re: authentic voice... woof, this is a big conversation! I agree, our voices are always changing and evolving. So for me, in this moment, getting closer to my authentic voice means that when I express myself, through poetry or any other medium, it feels like it's coming from a heart open place, somewhere aligned and core to who I am *today*. Poetry has been a really transformative medium for me. I wrote a lot of poetry as a kid and teen but got away from it in adulthood, until a few years ago. Through rediscovering my voice in poetry I've found I'm able to be more experimental, emphasizing the sensory experience of my aliveness. I journal a lot, and freewrite, so I think that has been an interesting way of capturing how my voice has evolved over time. I think it's very natural for us to all wear masks and so our voice gets filtered in more public settings, but as a writer and artist, I'm trying to remove my masks more and more, when it feels safe to do so. I'm trying to be vulnerable and honest. I'm trying to achieve radical closeness through expression. I'll be reflecting on this a while, thank you for the prompt!

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